CT:IQ and the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) are proud to announce the release of a key milestone in the Clinical Research Data Sharing Frameworks project: Consultation Report on Current Challenges and Practices Regarding Ethics and Governance Approval for Data Sharing.
This comprehensive report presents insights gathered through focus groups with Australian research stakeholders. It highlights the current enablers and barriers to the secondary sharing of clinical research data and proposes tools and potential opportunities to address these challenges. Key themes included the need for:
- shared and consistent terminology
- harmonised approaches between ethics review bodies, research governance offices, and researchers
- clear and comprehensive guidance that recognises the nuances of data sharing activities
About the Clinical Research Data Sharing Frameworks Project
This project, established by CT:IQ and ARDC, aims to develop practical principles and guidance for researchers, Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs), data custodians, institutions, and consumers to facilitate the sharing of clinical research data in Australia.
The project comprises four work packages:
- WP1: Principles and rules for sharing secondary research data (Governance Framework)
- WP2: Consultation report on ethics and governance approval for data sharing
- WP3: Benchmarking report of HREC data sharing review outcomes
- WP4: Governance resources
By addressing barriers and promoting a culture of trust and transparency, the project seeks to advance the secondary use of clinical research data, ensuring better research outcomes for all Australians.
Further information about the Clinical Research Data Sharing Frameworks project.